Click & Collect
Our free Click & Collect service allows customers to collect their order at their convenience, from our storage facility at NE1 3PG, Newcastle, North East England.
Many products are available to collect in as little as 2 hours, but for some orders we may require more time.
If you'd like to know the timeframe for collection for any product(s), please contact us and we will confirm for you.
We will contact you to confirm the time and date of your Click & Collect slot once your order is placed. We will book your time slot to fit around your schedule.
Please await contact from us with your confirmed time slot before coming to collect.
Items that are not in stock or on backorder/pre-order will only be available to collect once they are back in stock.
To collect your order, we require you to bring your order confirmation email and some photo ID (driving license / passport).
Note, PayPal not accepted for Click & Collect orders, it must be credit/debit card or cash on collection.
Please note: depending on your order size, you might need a to fold your seats down to fit the boxes. For example, if you are collecting one of our R-PRO Sim Rigs with RS1 seat, then it will be packaged in a few different boxes. Most boxes are flat pack boxes so are easy to fit, our seats are in larger boxes so you will need to fold down the seats. If you're unsure, feel free to contact us and we can provide the exact packaging dimensions to you.